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AL-BUKHARI TRAVEL & LEISURE SERVICES LIMITED overview Find and update company information GOV UK

The leisure travel industry is comprised of several different sub-industries that make up the various aspects of traveling for pleasure or leisure. These leisure travel sub-industries include transportation and lodging, as well as any reservations and packages for tours and other entertainment and recreation activities one participates while traveling. Entertainment consists of any activity that provides the general public with pleasure during their leisure time.

  • Read our case studies and view our current portfolio by sector, growth strategy, transaction type or region.
  • In current market conditions, this may call for additional debt, equity investments or strategic disposals.
  • Vice President Barou said the two sides will make an innovative future for the tourism and leisure industry based on their data and networks.
  • Information is provided ‘as is’ and solely for informational purposes, not for trading purposes or
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